# The Editor

Hopefully by now, you understand the concepts from the previous module. It is impossible to thoroughly master each concept without actually mapping. After all, like how people say to 'play more' to get better at osu!, you need to 'map more' to learn how to better.

Every map is created in the editor, and it is imperative to leran a few improtant shortcuts that make your mapping life easier and faster. Here are a few that should be ingrained into your memory:

  • CTRL + S: make it a habit to save as often as possible
  • 1/2/3/4: Select/Circle/Slider/Spinner
  • CTRL + SHIFT + D: create a polygon with circles
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F: convert a slider into circles
  • CTRL + SHIFT + R: rotate object(s) by input degree
  • CTRL + SHIFT + S: scale object(s) by input amount
  • CTRL + C: copy objects
  • CTRL + X: cut objects
  • CTRL + V: paste objects
  • CTRL + A: select all objects
  • CTRL + H: flip object(s) horizontally
  • CTRL + J: flip pbject(s) vertically
  • CTRL + G: flip object(s) selection
  • CTRL + Z: undo the last action
  • CTRL + >: rotate 90 degrees clockwise
  • CTRL + <: rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise
  • ALT + Mousescroll: controls the distance spacing
  • CTLR + Mousescroll: controls the beat snap divisor
  • F6: brings up the timing setup panel
  • G: controls the size of the grid
  • T: toggles grid snapping
  • Q: toggles new combo on an object
  • W/E/R: applies either a whistle/finish/clap hitsound on an object
  • SHIFT + Q/W/E/R: applies a specific hitsound sampleset to an object
  • ALT + Q/W/E/R: applies a specific hitsound addition to an object
  • Z: goes to the first instance of an object
  • V: goes to the last instance of an object
  • CTRL + SHIFT + A: opens up AI-mod
  • CTRL + SHIFT + U: upload the beatmap submission screen