# After Mapping

Congratulations on finishing your first ever mapset! You should be proud of the time and effort you've invested into learning how to map. Learning how to map is not easy feat, but here you are. Now all that's left is to rank a map! While I cannot see how the mapset you've created turned out, I can say with almost 99% confidence that it will be not rankable in its current state (sorry)!

That isn't to say that it isn't playable either, because it definitely should be. So what's next for you? A few things actually.

Hitting the modding queues and put your maps out there for other people to mod! There are people out there who are willing to donate some of their time to map the map better (and in some cases, you as well), and it's a great place to start when attempting to rank a map.

Network with other osu! mappers, many of the people in this community are friendly and want to help other people learn to map as well. Join Discord servers, events, mentorships, or anything mapping related that many interest you to help you improve as a mapping.

Lastly, keep mapping. This is arguably the most important thing for you to learn to do. Now that you've finished your first map, try mapping another song that you like this time. The only way to improve at mapping is to continue mapping and refine your style.